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Music Boosters Scholarship 2025

Our amazing music boosters association is once again sponsoring a wonderful scholarship opportunity for all of our band, orchestra, and chorus seniors. Seniors have a chance to receive $500, with the highest scoring applicant receiving $1,000. College is an expensive time, so this money can really make a difference! All you have to do is…

Our amazing music boosters association is once again sponsoring a wonderful scholarship opportunity for all of our band, orchestra, and chorus seniors. Seniors have a chance to receive $500, with the highest scoring applicant receiving $1,000. College is an expensive time, so this money can really make a difference! All you have to do is fill out the form below, and turn it in ON TIME! You never know if you’ll get selected!

Forms must be postmarked no later than April 2, 2025. Must be a current music booster member.

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